Just Dance 2021

The first and most important goal of this project was to create new keyart and a logo for the 2021 installment of Just Dance, establishing a brand new narrative for the year. From there, our team built a comprehensive brand guide, collaborated on social media strategy, and ensured the brand’s look and feel was strong in all assets.

In collaboration with Golshid Zadafshar, Max Hendren, Amy Lewin, and Jennifer Brooks
Ubisoft San Francisco

Final Keyart

Keyart Ideation

Inspired by the pandemic lockdown in 2020, the keyart conveys a message that music and dance can bring us together during a time when we may be feeling lonely and isolated.


Compared to previous Just Dance logos, this logo was designed to be completely flat with a funky angular border to match the keyart’s collage-like style.

Master Toolkit

Communicating cross-functionally across different teams was a particular challenge when building this toolkit during the pandemic. What was once a quick walk over to a team member’s desk turned into sending barrages of screenshots and scheduling online check-ins.

I was responsible for finalizing brand colors in both RGB and CMYK, setting rules for logo usage, type hierarchy and setting, designing ad templates (both online and print), and creating a toolkit that was easily interpreted by teams around the world and across different disciplines.

Here’s the holiday template, which includes the mandatories such as the string of lights and the holiday tagline

Digital banner templates are designed and integrated into the Master Toolkit. These serve as a guideline and reference for all future marketing assets. 

Social Media

Social media—especially a carefully curated Instagram feed—was a really big part of the Just Dance marketing strategy. Leading up to the release of each installment, the Just Dance Instagram account posts song teasers and promotional content.

In previous years, props and photography would be highly utilized. But in 2020, without access to our office photo studio, the challenge became how to get creative with stock images and a little Photoshop magic.

